為了紀念網壇史上最偉大(之一)的費納對決,今年除了西班牙之外,還抽空去了一趟瑞士,很省的以20歐完成行程,如果不去計較這筆錢只花在車資與廁所這兩件事上...身上穿著溫暖南歐的裝扮,來到早上剛下過雪的蘇黎世,走出車站發現手機地圖完全不管用,回想起沒有smartphone的年代是如何生存的呢?也不過才短短10年前吧...很本能地一路往上找到制高點,觀察了一下東西南北重要地標,順利完成這趟三小時旅程。真想念過去沒有google map闖蕩江湖的自己~
Time to recollect my three-hour trip to Zurich (to complete a FEDAL vacation). Probably the cheapest trip I've ever taken, if we all forget the fact that the 20 euros were spent in three hours on 1. train tickets 2. toilet. Google map wasn't working here (ok it's because I didn't download it when I still had access to the Internet), so I had to climb a "mountain" (like something people do in Switzerland) to locate the spots, castles, churches, rivers, etc. An old-school adventure, reminding me of the good old days, of course highlighted by the 20 euros well spent.
Time to recollect my three-hour trip to Zurich (to complete a FEDAL vacation). Probably the cheapest trip I've ever taken, if we all forget the fact that the 20 euros were spent in three hours on 1. train tickets 2. toilet. Google map wasn't working here (ok it's because I didn't download it when I still had access to the Internet), so I had to climb a "mountain" (like something people do in Switzerland) to locate the spots, castles, churches, rivers, etc. An old-school adventure, reminding me of the good old days, of course highlighted by the 20 euros well spent.